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The Gryphon Taboo Blue Steel Classic Curve G24 hockey stick boasts that super smooth touch and extreme power this range is that perfect mix of international standard power and polished performance skills with that tiny bit of give when trapping and hitting to give you the ultimate control. The feel on the ball is soft and pure, allowing you that real natural feel that Gryphon is known for. It really offers so much to the player to allow them to be the best they can be, so you can see why it’s a go-to for so many high-class players!

Gryphon Taboo Blue Steel CC G24

    • Power Rating: 9/10
    • Feel : Responsive
    • Carbon Quotient : 95 CQ
    • Fiber Composition : Carbon, Fibreglass & Aramid
    • Targeted Weight : 525gr
    • Bow: Mid Bow
    • Head Shape: Extended
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